Fecha de edición | 2002 |
Disponibilidad | Digital |
Número de páginas | 43 |
Precio en formato impreso | $ 15 |
I Inter-American Report on Human Rights Education. Normative Development)
Publicada en el 2002
Every effort should be made to prevent violence and to end all forms of discrimination and social
exclusion. All appropriate actions must be taken to promote the exercise of freedom and democracy and
to ensure inclusion. Education in human rights is the first task of the inter-American system and of the
region’s democracies in order to achieve these goals. The IIHR was created precisely with this
objective: to educate about and for human rights and democracy, working as a means of leverage in
support of the mechanisms of promotion, control and administration of the system (the Inter-American
Commission on Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights) and to assist civil
society and governments in this task.
The Institute understands that human rights education constitutes a part of the right to education
and at the same time is a right in itself. As such, it implies an obligation on the part of the State and every
authority to assure the teaching and learning of the values, rights and responsibilities of citizens, from
childhood to adulthood. This right is programmatic, but this does not mean that citizens cannot demand
it, because its compliance entails the obligation to adopt the necessary measures to ensure that it will
continue to be valid over time.